Create Like the Creator!

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One of the ways that I know to align your spiritual values with strategic innovation in business is to embrace the fact that you are a creative person, created by our Creator in Heaven, to create here on earth, to make the earth more like it is in heaven.

This fact is true for all Believers, regardless of profession or vocation – and, yes – I’m talking to my Faithgineer lawyers, financial planners, accountants, business consultants, business coaches, and pastors too.

This perspective has really changed the game for me professionally in my career as an attorney and as a business owner – guiding me to increase my impact and influence through things like launching a podcast and restarting this eLetter.

As we dig into this message on spiritual alignment through an entrepreneurial mindset (which leads to strategic innovation), I’m inviting you to either consider this message a fresh perspective that you’re willing to “try on” – or, if you’re already embracing an entrepreneurial perspective, to look at your practices in this area as an opportunity to expand your impact, influence, and income through revenue.

Here's what I know:

When working in a structured industry (like financial services, healthcare, or the law), it is all too easy to remain within the predictability and known safety of established routines, which can cause us to overlook opportunities to grow and experience greater impact, influence, and income-generating revenue.

It is only when we embrace an innovative, calculated risk-taking, and growth mindset, that we open ourselves up to a world of new possibilities for experiencing significant and meaningful success both financially and through impact – as we align our values with our work, using innovation (though an entrepreneurial mindset) as our guide.

This shift from habitual routine to structured creativity allows us to innovate within our professional services practices and businesses, and lead with the kind of confidence that impact through innovation inspires.

Consider Proverbs 18:16, which tells us that

‘a person’s gift makes room for them and brings them before great people.’

This wisdom from the bible promises that our unique skills and the gift that is our entrepreneurial spirit can lead us to impactful, influential places.


Let’s internalize the message in this wisdom by translating it into an affirmation to write down and repeat.

“I am capable of innovative thinking and leadership. I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, leading with confidence and integrity.”

Now, let’s journey together from perspective to practice.

Take a moment to consider an area in your business or practice in which you are comfortably settled into a routine.

How can you infuse an entrepreneurial mindset or approach to get a greater or more impactful result through perhaps – taking a calculated risk, creating a new approach, testing a new idea, or stepping up your leadership game to inspire those in your sphere of influence to step up their game?

Seek ways to renew your mind and practices to continuously experience optimal performance in your Work (with a capital W) in the marketplace and in your life, as you embrace a new way of showing up and “being” who God created you to be – a creative spirit, charged with the responsibility to use your gifts and talents to make the earth more like it is in heaven.

Make this shift from “routine” to “renewal,” and you will see new doors open up and opportunities appear.

Remember, now that you have more ideas for how to align your spiritual values with business innovation for greater impact, influence, and income through revenue, the next steps are up to you.

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